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The concept of creating oasis with tropic flora and fauna in Siberian Kogalym belongs to the President of PAO “Lukoil”, Vagit Yusufovich Alekperov. The “Galaxy”, center of sport and entertainment with oceanarium, orangery, aqua park, hiking wall, ice skating and other activities, was developed by New Zealandian architect Nicolas Travis and was established at the beginning of November, 2016. Danil Lastochkin (PAO “Lukoil”) managed project realization. The most important part of “The Galaxy” is oceanarium “Aquatica” – the first one in the Uralic Federal District and the fourth oceanarium fully created by Aqua Logo Engineering. 

The center of sport and entertainment “Galaxy”, Kogalym

In close cooperation with our client and general contactor organization OOO “Erel Gazstroy” our specialists complete the whole range of works from waterproofing and insertion of acrylic panels to delivery and installation of the equipment of life support system, launching all systems and delivery of all fishes. The service in the oceanarium is managed by our team. Let’s look at the scheme of the oceanarium and take a walk over its exposition.

Scheme of the oceanarium “Aquatika”

Just in year we designed, constructed and opened the oceanarium “Aquatika” in Kogalym with the longest tunnel (61,5 m) and the most capacious sea aquarium (3500 m3) in the European part of Russia. There are more than 2000 sea and freshwater habitats from 150 species in its 29 aquariums and pools.

The exposition is opened and closed by the fountain, the cup of which is inhabited with koi

The overall volume of water in the oceanarium is 3800 m3, 80 percent of which is sea water. The exposition is opened and closed by the fountain, the cup of which is inhabited with koi.

The first exposition zone – “Water forest”

The exposition of the “Aquatika” is conditionally divided into 5 zones. The first one, the “Water forest” , opens with two aquariums with freshwater stingrays, turtles, catfishes and astronotus.

The aquarium “Water forest” with big panoramic window

The next aquarium “Water forest” with big panoramic window is especially fascinating for visitors during the time of feeding arapaimas, paku and other fishes.

The exposition of the oval hall

The exposition route continues in the oval hall with one big aquarium and a group of small biotope aquariums.

The aquaterrarium with spectacled caimans

The “Water forest” zone ends with the aquaterrarium with spectacled caimans.

The exposition “Tropic coast”

In the “Tropic coast” zone there is a tactile pool with sharks and stingrays, a pond with habitats of coral reefs and a cylindrical aquarium with muraenas and lionfishes. This exposition hall is the most spacious – for example, you can easily arrange children holidays there. 

 “Wave” pool with RGB-lightning

Under the rocky arch with ingenious “wave” pond we go further to the zones “Coral reef” and “The main sea aquarium”. The waterfall on an inclined wall is highlighted with RGB lamps, whereas flocks of fish calmly swim near the bottom.

The spark of the “Aquatika” – the long (61,5 m), winding transparent tunnel

The spark of the “Aquatika” – the long (61,5 m), winding transparent tunnel in the biggest sea aquarium in Russia.

The main sea aquarium of the “Aquatika”

This is the main sea aquarium of the “Aquatika” with big green spheres (the ingenious idea of designers from Aqua Logo Engineering). As was planned, territorial fishes settle down in these spheres-refuges. 

Feeding sharks and other fishes in the main sea aquarium

Feeding sharks and other fishes in the main sea aquarium

Two cylindrical aquariums in the “Coral reef” zone

Two cylindrical aquariums in the “Coral reef” zone

Аквариумы «секретеры»  в зоне «Коралловый риф»

Two aquariums “secretaries” in the “Coral reef” zone.

An aquarium in the “Coral reef” zone contains 15200 liters of sea water

The last aquarium in the “Coral reef” zone contains 15200 liters of sea water and more than 100 coral reef inhabitants from 11 species. Let’s go to the exposition “Russian rivers and lakes”.  

 The exposition “Russian rivers and lakes”

The decorations of the exposition “Russian rivers and lakes” imitate timber rafting. There, in 6 aquariums, freshwater fishes from 14 species live, in total nearly 450 beings.

Excursions are provided by experienced specialists

Our guides make walk over the oceanarium not only interesting, but also informative.

At the exit visitors can go to the souvenir shop

At the exit visitors can go to the souvenir shop

The oceanarium “Aquatica” is serviced by specialists from Aqua Logo Engineering

The delivery of fish from different places of our planet and the maintenance of aquariums and life support systems of “Aquatika” are conducted by specialists from Aqua Logo Engineering.

Service stuff of the oceanarium “Aquatika”

Our specialists near the main sea aquarium of the oceanarium “Aquatika” (Kogalym, November, 2016).

Aqua Logo Engineering team at the Aquatica Oceanarium (Kogalym, January 2021)
Aqua Logo Engineering team at the Aquatica Oceanarium (Kogalym, January 2021)