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Public Aquarium of the MegaGRINN mall in Kursk

Do you want to show your kids real reef sharks, giant grouper and morays for free? Be sure to take them to the MegaGRINN shopping and entertainment center in Kursk or Belgorod. Our company built and maintains panoramic sea aquariums of 100 cubic meters each in these cities. Belgorod aquarium was built in 2012, and Kursk one in 2016. 
The 100-ton marine public aquarium that we built has been in operation at the MegaGRINN shopping center in Kursk since 2016
The 100-ton marine public aquarium that we built has been in operation at the MegaGRINN shopping center in Kursk since 2016

There are a lot of enthusiastic reviews on the Internet about the aquariums of the MegaGRINN shopping mall, because not everyone has the opportunity to go with a child to a real sea voyage. We can say our aquariums are checked up by time and they are the points of attraction for purchasers, as it was planned by the customer. And over the years, these aquariums only get more attractive because the fish in them feel great and grow actively. Let's see how this happens, using the Kursk aquarium as an example.
The inhabitants of the 100-ton aquarium in the "MegaGRINN" shopping mall in Kursk three years after its opening
The inhabitants of the 100-ton aquarium in the "MegaGRINN" shopping mall in Kursk three years after its opening 

Three years ago the fish were still small and hardly visible in the photo
Three years ago the fish were still small and hardly visible in the photo

That's what the zebra shark has become. And it's still growing!
That's what the zebra shark has become. And it's still growing!

Such a zebra shark was brought to Kursk in 2012
Such a zebra shark was brought to Kursk in 2012

The morays in Kursk are now indistinguishable in size from the wild ones that live somewhere on the reefs of Mauritius Island
The morays in Kursk are now indistinguishable in size from the wild ones that live somewhere on the reefs of Mauritius Island

 And they fit freely in a small box!
And they fit freely in a small box!

From time to time moray eels come out of hiding and show the public their size
From time to time moray eels come out of hiding and show the public their size

Impressive in size, appearance and independent behavior is the stone perch. This grouper our aquarium keepers respectfully call Petrovich
Impressive in size, appearance and independent behavior is the stone perch. This grouper our aquarium keepers respectfully call Petrovich

Petrovich looked solid in the quarantine tank before
Petrovich looked solid in the quarantine tank before

Not only these heroes of the report, but also hundreds of other fish are simply amazed by their size and activity. Why? The answer is simple - the employees of Aqua Logo Engineering take care of them like their children. 
Natalia Gridneva hand-feeds a clumsy hedgehog fish
See how Natalia Gridneva hand-feeds the clumsy hedgehog fish. If you don't, the faster swimmers, and there are many of them, will leave the diodon without lunch.

Feeding fish is not only an important and necessary element of aquarium maintenance, but also an exciting performance
Feeding fish is not only an important and necessary element of aquarium maintenance, but also an exciting performance  

The feeding show is very much enjoyed by visitors with children
The feeding show is very much enjoyed by visitors with children

The most active fish in the aquarium are large golden carangs
The most active fish in the aquarium are large golden carangs. Always on the prowl, always in a pack.

One such fish now has a mass of 6-8 kg and can grow to 15 kg
One such fish now has a mass of 6-8 kg and can grow to 15 kg

Always swimming together and massive blue plataxes
Always swimming together and massive blue plataxes

White-throated and black-throated sharks - perfection of form and hunting behavior
White-throated and black-throated sharks - perfection of form and hunting behavior

A relative of sharks, the shark-tailed stingray, is also represented in the aquarium
A relative of sharks, the shark-tailed stingray, is also represented in the aquarium

Siganus vulpinus and other fish are entertaining onlookers in a skittish flock
Siganus vulpinus and other fish are entertaining onlookers in a skittish flock 

Unlike other sharks and guitarfish, blacktip sharks always stay above the other fish in the tank
Unlike other sharks and guitarfish, blacktip sharks always stay above the other fish in the tank
The smartest one, the grouper Petrovich, senses the approach of feeding time and takes a favorable position near the diving ramp. Other fish swim up after him as well
The smartest one, the grouper Petrovich, senses the approach of feeding time and takes a favorable position near the diving ramp. Other fish swim up after him as well
Lunch for the fish is prepared by Natalia Gridina from selected seafood (shrimp, squid, fish). An experienced diver, she also feeds her charges
Lunch for the fish is prepared by Natalia Gridina from selected seafood (shrimp, squid, fish). An experienced diver, she also feeds her charges
Natalia is an experienced diver and today she feeds her charges
Natalia is an experienced diver and today she feeds her charges

There are more than two dozen species of tropical fish in the aquarium. In order to make it more interesting for the public to understand them, a banner with pictures and descriptions of the inhabitants is located at the window of the aquarium.
The inhabitants of the MegaGRINN aquarium
The inhabitants of the MegaGRINN aquarium

Quarantine room of the aquarium is intended for the treatment of fish and the adaptation of new arrivals to replenish the exhibition
Quarantine room of the aquarium is intended for the treatment of fish and the adaptation of new arrivals to replenish the exhibition

In one of the quarantine aquariums, a leopard moray is waiting to be transplanted into the exhibit
In one of the quarantine aquariums, a leopard moray is waiting to be transplanted into the exhibit

Service rooms, the life support system of the aquarium are located on three levels
Service rooms, the life support system of the aquarium are located on three levels 

Everywhere is clean and orderly. This is how it should be when our professionals work: ichthyologists Vladimir Khoroshilov and Natalya Gridneva, Operations Manager Alexey Pozhidaev, technicians Roman Panteleev and Alexander Gorlov.
Maintenance team for the panoramic marine aquarium of the MegaGRINN shopping mall in Kursk
Maintenance team for the panoramic marine aquarium of the MegaGRINN shopping mall in Kursk

These and other specialists of Aqua Logo Engineering with pleasure ensure the health of thousands of fish in the large aquariums built by us in Kursk, Belgorod, Novosibirsk, Kogalym, Moscow and Kiev. 

Thanks to this work hundreds of thousands of visitors to shopping malls and aquariums with aquariums built by us get new knowledge and pleasant experience of acquaintance with the inhabitants of sea and fresh waters of the planet.

Photo: Sergey Sbitnev, Nikolay Safonov