Snake Safari at Moscow Zoo
One of the historical buildings of the Moscow Zoo opened on May 11, 2021 after reconstruction with an original exhibition - "Snake Safari". For the first time, the reptile exhibit is presented in an unusual format. Iguanas walk around the hall with visitors, urchins literally tangle under guests' feet, vipers and spindles bask right in front of your eyes.
Aquaterrarium with iguanas and turtles
The iguana feels great in an aquaterrarium with a waterfall
This unusual concept was invented and developed by the famous Russian herpetologist Sergey Ryabov, the creator of the Tula Exotarium and the snake nursery in the Moscow Zoo. For many years Sergey had been thinking about how to convey his love for legless reptiles to as many people as possible.
Charming creatures!
Portrait of a snake
Come and see for yourself - you haven't seen such terrariums yet! The design project of "Snake Safari" was developed by D-square design-bureau. The working documentation was made by Aqua Logo Engineering.
This terrarium features 5 species of snakes
Also, our company carried out work on the dismantling of the old premises and embodied the natural scenery of the largest exposition hall, where iguanas live.
Boulanger's Green Poloise
The new terrariums allow you to see the snakes in every detail. They are mesmerizing.
Terrarium with vipers
The Snake Safari has all the necessary conditions for reptiles
Our colleagues from Akva Logo Aquarium Company manufactured the terrariums and equipped them with specialized equipment. The work was managed by Vladimir Svyatlovsky.
We are happy to contribute to the renewal of the Moscow Zoo.