Аквариум Келли Тарлтон

Kelly Tarlton's Aquarium

Новая Зеландия, Окленд

New Zealand, Auckland

Веб-сайт: http://www.kellytarltons.co.nz/

Последняя проверка данных: Май 2016
Last check of the data: May 2016

Одной из главных достопримечательностей Окленда является океанариум "Аквариум Келли Тарлтон". В этом необычайно популярном комплексе, помимо традиционных атрибутов океанариума, таких как подводные туннели, бассейны и аквариумы с акулами, рыбками и другими обитателями подводного мира, открыт павильон - "Встреча с Антарктикой" (Antarctic Encounter). В этом уникальном месте можно не только увидеть представителей антарктической фауны, таких как, например, пингвины, но и узнать много интересного об Антарктиде, ее первооткрывателях и современных исследованиях. В одном из павильонов воссоздана хижина выдающегося английского путешественника Скота, в которой его экспедиция провела зимовку в 1911 году.

Kelly Tarlton, an avid diver, treasure hunter and undersea explorer, was responsible for the Underwater World concept and construction, all underground and within the walls of Auckland City's sewage holding tanks, disused since 1961. Kelly Tarlton's Underwater World opened on 25 January 1985.Construction took 10 months and cost NZ$3 million.Large sharks, stingrays and 1500 fish of forty different species may be viewed through a 114 metre (373 feet) long underwater plexiglass tunnel in a figure-of-eight shape. The plexiglass is 7 centimetres (2.75 inches) thick.The tunnel winds through two marine aquariums, one for fish, one for sharks, each containing 1,000,000 litres (220,000 gallons) of crystal clear, filtered seawater pumped from Waitemata harbour. 20% of the system's total volume is replaced every 24 hours. A mechanical and biological filtration system makes sure water clarity and quality is achieved.Kelly Tarlton died suddenly of a heart attack on 17 March 1985, 7 weeks after the Underwater World opened.On 2 May 1994, the Antarctic Encounter was opened. It took two years to plan and one year to construct and cost NZ$12.6 million.The 5000 square metre ( 54,000 square feet) Antarctic Encounter is located underground. It includes a replica of Captain Robert Scott's Hut (at Cape Evans in Antarctica, 1910), an 8.5 minute, 150 metre (490 feet) snow-cat ride through a 1000 square metre (10,800 square feet) sub-Antarctic landscape containing a 200,000 litre (44,000 gallon) salt water pool, and a colony of Penguins.The penguins enjoy snow, made on site. Air temperature is 0°C to -2° Celcius (32°F to 28° Farenheit). Air is filtered to 3 microns. Water temperature is 5° Celcius (41° Farenheit).The snow-cats are modelled on the H?agland snow-cat, a Swedish design currently in use in Antarctica. Each snow-cat weighs 3 tonnes, and is electrically powered by a 24V battery which is recharged every night. Without charging, a battery will last two days. Each snow-cat is controlled by its own onboard computer and electronic sensors, which confirm its position and ensure nothing is in its way.Visitors can explore Antarctica using interactive video disk units.Live fishes and invertebrates from Antarctica are on display.


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